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fedmsg (Fedora-Messaging) is a Python package and API used around Fedora Infrastructure to send and receive messages to and from applications.


Quick setup from here:

  1. install yourself fedmsg-relay package, start the service.
  2. tail the relay messages: fedmsg-tail –really-pretty
  3. issue a message: fedmsg-tail –really-pretty


anitya is a cross-distribution upstream release monitoring project, under address.

To monitor their events via fedmsg:

  • install fedmsg package:
    $ poldek -u fedmsg
  • configure anitya bus:
    # anitya endpoint definition:
    config = dict(
        # This is a dict of possible addresses from which fedmsg can send
        # messages.  fedmsg.init(...) requires that a 'name' argument be passed
        # to it which corresponds with one of the keys in this dict.
            "anitya-public-relay": [
  • tail the changes!
    $ fedmsg-tail --really-pretty
packages/fedmsg.1447268488.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-11-11 20:01 by glen

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