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Installing Opscode Chef Server via omnibus packaging
As prepackaged chef-server is not available for PLD Linux, let's try to build the omnibus package ourself.
Suggestion is to run this in a Vagrant box, that you can discard later as the gems are installed outside rpm package manager.
You need more space to build and install:
# lvextend --size=3G /dev/sys/rootfs # xfs_growfs /
Install packages:
# poldek -u --noask ruby-bundler git-core ruby-devel glibc-devel libffi-devel libstdc++-devel patch bzip2 lsb-release rpm-build
Checkout omnibus-chef-server:
$ git clone
Make bugfixes:
- makeself
$ wget -O package-scripts/chef-server/makeselfinst
- patch omnibus gem with omnibus-pld.patch
Install bundle binstubs:
$ cd omnibus-chef-server $ bundle install --binstubs
Make cachedir so could run as non-root:
$ sudo install -o $USER -d /var/cache/omnibus /opt/chef-server
Create a platform-specific package using the build project command:
$ bin/omnibus build project chef-server
You may later preserve cache dirs to be shared with OS, add the mappings to your Vagrantfile
config.vm.synced_folder "cache/omnibus", "/var/cache/omnibus"
packages/chef-server.1371735888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-06-20 15:44 by glen