This is an old revision of the document!
PLD Linux Distribution
PLD is a free, RPM-based Linux distribution, aimed at the more advanced users and administrators, who accept the tradeoffs of using a system, that might require manual tweaking in exchange for much flexibility. Simultaneous availability for a wide variety of architectures and non-conservative approach to RPM usage provides our users with a consistent environment on almost all available architectures. More details are available in the about section.
1st September 2012: PLD Th 2012 snapshot released
Today we released the first snapshot of PLD/Linux Th, called 2012. It is available on and as poldek sources th-2012. Please give mirrors 24 hours to synchronize.
The main highlights of this release are:
- kernel 3.0.42 with grsecurity support and 3.4.10 without grsecurity
- basic systemd support (systemd works, but a lot of services do not have native units)
- GCC 4.7.1
- glibc 2.16
- java-sun 1.6 thus safe from recent exploits
- libreoffice
- iceweasel/icedove 15.0 and iceape 2.12
- XFCE 4.10
- GNOME 3.4
- KDE 4.9.0
16th July 2012: New Release Manager and git migration
Two major changes happened during the past few weeks:
1. A new Release Manager has been elected for PLD's main branch (TH). Jan Rękorajski took over after Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz, who previously held the position for many years, resigned over a month ago. In the words of the new RM, he's not going to make drastic changes [to] the current continuous development model.
2. After too many years with CVS, the main package repository has finally been switched to a modern distributed version control system – git. Developers should refer to relevant list threads. Simultaneously a near real-time mirror has been created on the well known git hosting site, github. People accustomed to github's features, or just wanting a functional backup in case ever goes down, are encouraged to make use of the mirror. (Note: there's over 16k packages in our repository, so the site takes a long while to load; if you just want to browse a bit, it's much faster to use the github link.)
11th January 2012: IRC channel update.
Many developers and users can be found on freenode IRC network. PLD uses channel #pld. You need to register with freenode nickserv service to be able to enter channel.
13th December 2011: PAE enabled on 32bit kernels.
Upcoming PLD kernels (>= 3.0.13-2) will have PAE enabled on 32bit i686 kernels by default. Such kernel will run only on processors that support PAE (grep pae /proc/cpuinfo to verify). If your CPU doesn't support PAE then you have to switch to PLD i486 kernel.
18th November 2011: No big news but we are still alive.
PLD Th saw few major package updates in last year including switch to kernel 3.x as usually available on
8th December 2010: PLD Live with KDE4 4.5.4 Beta2 available for the public
It's got a full under the hood software refresh as well as an updated PLD Live Installer. Read more on the official website
16th September 2010: PLD Live with KDE4 4.4.5 is out!
The latest live CD with KDE4 features a graphical installer. Read more what's new on the official website
21st February 2010: The second stable LiveCD and LiveUSB with KDE4 is out!
Hi! Without further explanation I present the second stable PLD-LiveCD and LiveUSB with K Desktop Environment… For more details visit
15th December 2009: The first LiveUSB with KDE4 is out now!
The first LiveUSB with KDE4 has just got released. You're welcome to download and test it on your USB sticks. Grab it as usual from the official projects website.
6th December 2009: A new LiveCD with KDE4 released
Today the LiveCD with KDE4 project's finally got updated.Main feature is the new preview of the upcoming KDE 4.4 version - KDE 4.4 Beta1. Read more and download it on the official website
1 August 2009 Th: ppc and athlon unmaintained [update]
Th ppc and athlon architectures are now officially abandoned. rpm packages are still on ftp in “unmaintained” directory but no new packages are being build.
13 July 2009 Th: ppc and athlon unmaintained
ppc and athlon architectures in PLD Th line will become officialy deprecated at the end of July 2009 and moved out of official directory at PLD ftp server. Users of athlon arch are asked to switch to i686. ppc fate is unknown (there is a chance of keeping ppc alive in form of unofficial branch).
28 April 2009 CVS directory structure migration
CVS repository migrated to a new directory structure (see it yourself). Flat SOURCES is no longer available while flat SPECS is available in read-only mode (but slowly being deprecated). this link should get you started.
11 March 2009 obsoletes in Th
Th users: If you are looking for kde3, kernel 2.6.27 or xserver 1.5… then please look at new directory “obsolete” on ftp in th tree. Main tree uses 2.6.28, xserver 1.6 and kde4 now. ps. “obsolete” in this case means “unmaintained”
8 March 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 - stable release
Finally the LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into stable. This release includes: K Desktop Environment 4.2.1, KOffice 2.0 Beta 7 and many many more…
2 February 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into RC3
RC3 of the second LiveCD with the PLD brand on it is out! This release covers many, many fixes and features some parts of KOffice 2.0 Beta ##6.
16 November 2008
New PLD RescueCD was released. It is based on PLD Linux ( modular kernel). Visit for more information.
4 November 2008 Fund-raising
Another fund-raising started. We need memory and hard drives for our machine Nereid. Take a look at Donations/Hardware page. Thanks to our Sponsors.
updated: Required sum collected! Thanks!
18 September 2008 PLD Live - stable version
There is stable version of PLD Live available. Visit for more information and download.
30 August 2008 Beta version of PLD Live CD available
Believe it or not, after 4 years of doing nothing with our Live CD project we eventually have a working Live CD, with recent kernel, GNOME, poldek and rpm inside. Thanks to qwiat and patrys you can download and test the beta version. Check out the announcement. Oh, and as usual - please do not hesistate to report any bugs you find.
Updated Sep, 8th: PLD Live CD beta4 went out, with integrated Anaconda installer. You can actually install any package into working live! Check it out.
16 July 2008 Bugzilla - switching to launchpad
From now on redirects to Old bugzilla is available under, well, with the only modification being that the 'add new bug' form redirects to the appropriate launchpad form, meaning it's not possible to add new bugs to the old bugzilla.
23 January 2008 Lists are up
Thanks to all engaged in restoring akcyza, especially qboosh, lists are back.
14 January 2008 Mailing lists are currently down
Repairs are being made.
8 November 2007 grsecurity kernel in Ac updates
PLD Ac (2.0) now has both the main and the grsecurity-enabled kernel in the same tree.
27 June 2007 PLD Linux meeting!
On the 7th of July 2007 in Warsaw, there will be a PLD Linux meeting. For more information (in Polish) please visit .
We are waiting for YOU!
Updated: (PL) Video i materiały z prezentacji
21 June 2007 Old pdir type poldek indexes dropped from Th
Starting from today old pdir poldek indexes are no longer supported in Th. Please replace indexes type “pdir” with “pndir” in poldek configuration files (note that pndir is default in Th for long time so most of configurations do not need any update).
11 May 2007 Package building for everyone
A new service has been made available to developers and users alike. If you'd like to see a package in Th (aka PLD 3.0) you can simply request it. An IRC Bot will catch your request and send it to the appropriate person. Just type !stbr on either #pld or #pldhelp to see the usage (see our IRC page).
Note: in order to use this functionality correctly, one must actually understand how our infrastructure works.
25 April 2007 PLD Linux 2.0 (Ac) CD/DVD images
Few days later than expected, but they're available! PLD 2.0 (Ac) CD and DVD images have been uploaded to our master ftp server and they should appear on mirror sites in two or three days. For more information about images please check PLD Ac page.
1 April 2007 PLD Linux 2.0 (Ac) is now stable !
The PLD/Linux project is pleased to announce that PLD/Linux 2.0 (codename Ac) was today marked as stable. Main package tree has been permanently locked and will be used for generating iso images. It may take approximately two to three weeks before CD and DVD images will be available on our FTP servers for download.
17 February 2007 Fund-raising
Another fund-raising started. We need memory for our machine Carme. Take a look at donations page or go directly to hardware needed. Thanks to our Sponsors. As of 04/14/2007 this is still in progress!
19 December 2006 PostgreSQL 8.2 in PLD Ac
PostgreSQL 8.2 is now being build for PLD Ac. In next few days it should be available in main tree. Since this is major upgrade (8.1 to 8.2) it requires dump/restore procedure. Please keep this in mind before proceeding.
13 November 2006 Lists are back
As promised, lists were restored today and they should be fully operational.
12 November 2006 Akcyza's downtime
As you may have noticed, part of our infrastructure was unavailable for the past few days. Akcyza, which hosted www, primary mx, lists and ftp4 mirror suffered from a RAID5 (3*250 GB) failure. It took us two days before we managed to recover the data. As of today, www and mx are now fully operational and lists are expected to be online by tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for using PLD.
26 April 2006 PLD 1.0/1.1 (Ra) information
PLD Ra (1.0/1.1) has reached EOL (End of Life). It will not be updated anymore. It is strongly recommended to upgrade to Ac (upcoming 2.0) as soon as possible! However the infrastructure for Ra is still online, so if anyone has enough knowledge and willingness to resurrect it, you are welcome.
23 March 2006 PLD Linux 2.0 ISO RC1
The PLD Linux Distribution team announces the release of PLD Linux 2.0 RC1 isos. Ftp resources contain 11 CDs for each architecture (i386, i586, i686, athlon, amd64 and ppc), miniiso (for i386, i586, i686 and athlon), DVD (for i686, amd64, ppc) and 14 CDs or 2 DVDs of source rpm packages.
29 October 2005 Site back up
After a (too) long period of downtime, our web site is again available. As usual, we had a machine failure. Unfortunately our backups aren't as fresh as they should be, so some pages might not be up to date (we'll take care of that ASAP). Also it appears that there might be some minor glitches here and there, so if the site reports any errors (especially when committing new changes), please report them to mmazur /at/
14 September 2005 More downtime
Our web site is back up after a rather long downtime. On the other hand, our web forum suffered another disk failure. We hope to get it back up in a few days. With the old data this time.
23 August 2005 PLD Mugs
We are preparing 360ml (12 1/4 oz) frosted glass mugs with PLD logo - sign up for one!
6 July 2005 Forum back up
After a (too) long period of downtime, our web forum is again available. Unfortunately we're starting from zero, since the old data got definitively lost, so users need to re-register. We're sorry for the inconvenience and hope that everyone will find the new functionality useful. The forum currently looks raw, but that should change in the near future.
19 June 2005 Fund-raising complete
We are happy to announce that our fund-raising campaign is complete. In about month we have managed to collect as much as 1520 PLN, for which we bought three 250GB SATA disks and two PCI SATA controllers. Hopefully they will serve us well. Thanks to everyone!
15 June 2005 Forum unavailable
The machine hosting (among other things) our web forum died two days ago due to disk failure. We hope we can get the data back, but that's not certain. One way or the other, the forum should be back online by the end of this week.
13 June 2005 Fund-raising almost complete, akcyza's downtime
We're almost complete with our fund-raising campaign. See Donations page for an up-to-date information.
On Wednesday, 15 June 2005, we are planning to shutdown akcyza in order to put new hardware. Between 7:00 and 11:00 CET, you may experience problems with accessing this site, and two ftp services: and
13 May 2005 Fund-raising
As some of you may have noticed, we have launched a fund-raising campaign. We were in need for a 2U Rack case for one of our servers (serving as FTP mirror, Web server and hosting LiveCD project) and two or more hard disks. Case was donated almost instantly (thanks to Michał Abramowicz), yet we are still gathering money for the disks. If you are interested, please go to the donations page. Thanks!
12 March 2005 Slow transfers
Some people might be experiencing slow transfers from our main ftp server. We do have a solution for that problem and are currently testing it. Tests will most likely be over by Monday, so bear with us.
22 February 2005 We're done
All issues that showed up after migration are (hopefully) solved now. All services (including ftp, distfiles, cvs/svn and jabber) are now fully operational.
7 February 2005 Almost finished
The good news is that during the past few days everything (jabber, ftp, cvs/svn) got migrated to the new machine without much problems. The bad news is that the new machine died today for unknown reasons. The matter is being currently investigated.
30 January 2005 Migration continues
Most of our infrastructure is currently up, though only in temporary location that is expected to change soon. The whole process should end in about three days, but by then you can expect only partial functionality (jabber server doesn't currently have SSL support), short outages of various resources, much lower transfer speeds and various * hosts resolving to non-existent machines.
26 January 2005 Main resources unavailable
Among other things, our main ftp server, jabber server and CVS/SVN repositories are currently down. Planned downtime was two hours, but due to (currently) unknown issues it is not known by when those machines will be back up. A good bet might be tomorrow morning (that's GMT). For now, here is a list of mirrors.
24 January 2005 Downtime ahead
During the weekend (and before it) parts of our infrastructure will be changing location which will result in some downtime. Of particular notice are: CVS and SVN repositories, distfiles, jabber server and everything placed on (including users' accounts).
23 January 2005 Site reactivated
After a (not so short) period of inactivity, PLD web site is back with a new look and (hopefully) lots of new content. Stay tuned.