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PLD Linux RC5 Team was the Internet's first general-purpose istributed computing project. Founded in 1997, network has grown to include thousands of users around the world donating the power of their home computers to academic research and public-interest projects.
Some of us are participating in organized by effort to crack RC5-72 encrypted message using brute-force approach. RSA Labs offers a $10000 reward. The sum is distributed as follows:
- $1000 for a winner
- $1000 for a winner's team (or for a winner if he's working alone)
- $6000 for a non-profit organisation
- $2000 for project
How do I join RC5?
All you need to do is to download official client (available at and configure it - apart from providing your email address, you can set in not to ocunt the OGR (Optimal Golumb's Rule). You can do that under “Buffer and Buffer Update Options” ⇒ “Load-work Precedense”, where you change OGR-P2 to OGR-P2=0.
How do I join PLD Linux RC5 Team?
Once you send your first results, you will be registered at's system. You can then go to your personal statistics page (Go to RC5 page and type your email address under 'Particicpant stats') and click on the “Please email me my password” button at the very botton of the page. It should be mailed to you within few minutes.
Once you know your password, go to PLD Team's stats page and click the “I want to join this team” link. You will be asked for a login (use your email address) and password.
What next?
You just sit and enjoy the statistics.