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Our machines
Our infrastructure is distributed among several machines located in different geographic locations (in Poland and Slovakia). Those machines belong to universities or companies, who generously helped our project with such a contribution.
All those machines can be divided in two main groups: builders and the rest.
First group consists of those machines, whose primary task is to create rpm packages for our distribution. This is mostly accomplished by donating our project with an account (and a lot of CPU power), where we can prepare appropriate environment. Only Release Managers and a small group of experienced developers have access to those machines.
Each distribution line (Ra, Ac and Th) has separate, totally independent builder infrastructure, each consisting of source builder and binary builders (not true for Ra, where one of the binary builders played a role of source builder as well). Each binary builder usually resides on a separate machine.
Apart from binary builders, there are also other machines.
- akcyza main webserver, ftp mirror, mail and lists server
- aksjomat Ac athlon/i386/i586/i686 builder
- pld-alpha Ac alpha builder
- atlas Ac amd64 builder
- carme Developers' machine
- ep09 jabber, primary FTP, distfiles, Ac/Th src builder
- fly secondary FTP
- forge Ac ppc builder
- mamut / nameserver
- naiad Th i486 builder
- nereid Th i686 builder, buildlogs webserver
- team developers' machine
- ymir Th x86_64 builder