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Table of Contents
Implementation of the X Window System
The simplest working config (th)
The shortest way to working xorg with mouse and keyboard for common hardware configurations:
# backup xorg.conf, and then rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf # install drivers poldek -u xorg-driver-video-$YOUR_VIDEO_DRIVER poldek -u xorg-driver-input-evdev # install hal and dbus poldek -u hal dbus # and the most important step for mouse and keyboard (-: service messagebus start service haldaemon start # test it Xwrapper
xserver >= 1.5.3 and kbd + mouse drivers + no HAL
xorg server can use two different sources of mouse, keyboard information. This section descibed kbd and mouse driven one without a HAL (or with disabled HAL).
xorg.conf, section “ServerLayout
# disable HAL Option "AutoAddDevices" "false" # indirectly cause kbd & mouse driver to be used Option "AllowEmptyInput" "false"
You need typical keyboard and mouse configuration sections, too.
xserver 1.8+ and input devices + udev
Hal is no longer used. See
NOTE: xinput is in xorg-app-xinput package in PLD Linux.
xserver 1.8+ and keyboard
Configuration stored in '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf' supposed to support pl national characters and ctrl-alt-bkspc. Missing ctrl-alt{-,+}) though.
Section "InputClass" Identifier "keyboard-all" Driver "evdev" Option "XkbLayout" "us,pl" Option "XkbModel" "evdev" Option "XkbVariant" ",qwerty" #Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp:switch,compose:rwin,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" Option "LeftAlt" "Meta" Option "RightAlt" "ModeShift" MatchIsKeyboard "on" EndSection
xserver 1.8+ and synaptics
Consider creating file '/etc/xorg.conf.d/10-synaptics.conf' containing:
Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Option "SHMConfig" "true" Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "1" Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "1" Option "TapButton3" "1" Option "AccelFactor" "0.001" EndSection
xserver and evdev driven input devices + HAL
xorg server can use two different sources of mouse, keyboard information. This one is anount evdev driven and HAL provided information.
evdev kernel module needs to be loaded:
echo evdev >> /etc/modules modprobe evdev
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "evdev" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection
Keyboard configuration
cp -a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ vi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi
If the above does not work:
setxkbmap -model evdev -layout pl
From KDE 3 Control Center:
Control Center -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout -> Keyboard model: "Evdev-managed keyboard"
From KDE 4 systemsettings:
System settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout -> Keyboard model: "Evdev-managed keyboard"
Note that kde3/4 method above is just a GUI-way for configuring kde setxkbmap call.
synaptics and mouse tapping
WARNING: do not add any kind of synaptics entries to xorg.conf. If you do, xorg will see two of them – the manually-added one and the automatically-detected one (type xinput list to see a list of all detected input devices) and all of the configuration options listed below will get applied to the wrong one. In other words, as long as there's a synaptics entry in xorg.conf, you won't have any way to change the drivers configs.
Xorg v7.4 does not enable tapping by default. To enable add to 11-x11-synaptics.fdi:
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton1" type="string">1</merge> <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton2" type="string">2</merge> <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton3" type="string">3</merge>
NOTE: you need to copy it first, if you haven't done it so:
cp -a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/11-x11-synaptics.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy
You may find these also useful (if your hardware supports):
<merge key="input.x11_options.VertEdgeScroll" type="string">true</merge> <merge key="input.x11_options.CircularScrolling" type="string">true</merge>
More from archlinux wiki.
100% CPU usage when using xdm (kdm, gdm) and SysVinit (not upstart-SysVinit)
The problem is that when xdm runs with recent X server then tty0 (as it's first free tty) is taken by xserver. Then when SysVinit tries to run mingetty also on tty0. This ends with mingetty fighiting with X server for tty0.
upstart-Sysvinit is not affected as it starts mingetty before xdm runs, so xdm choses different, first free ttyX.
Solution: change xdm to use fixed tty that's not used in inittab for mingettys (like tty9).
xorg-driver-video-intel >= requires KMS
Latest Intel xorg drivers require KMS (kernel mode setting) to be active. Run kernel >= 2.6.31 and set in /etc/sysconfig/geninitrd:
PREMODS="intel-agp i915"
and regenerate geninitrd.
Alternatively run:
modprobe i915
If you want to create cross computer X sessions using XDCMP please enable it *dm (kdm, gdm) on machine you wish to connect to.
Now you can run:
X -query xdcmp.enabled.server
or just X or local kdm and select network log in instead of local log in.
Source IP# number problem on client machine
Rules which X selects interface on which it binds for X sessions are not clear for some people. If you spot problem :
XDMCP fatal error: Session failed Session <some_number> failed for display cannot open display
Try if forcing connection source ip adress helps:
X -query xdcmp.enabled.server -from