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Implementation of the X Window System
xserver >= 1.5.3 and kbd + mouse drivers + no HAL
xorg server can use two different sources of mouse, keyboard information. This section descibed kbd and mouse driven one without a HAL (or with disabled HAL).
xorg.conf, section “ServerLayout
# disable HAL Option "AutoAddDevices" "false" # indirectly cause kbd & mouse driver to be used Option "AllowEmptyInput" "false"
You need typical keyboard and mouse configuration sections, too.
xserver and evdev driven input devices + HAL
xorg server can use two different sources of mouse, keyboard information. This one is anount evdev driven and HAL provided information.
evdev kernel module needs to be loaded:
echo evdev >> /etc/modules modprobe evdev
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "evdev" Option "XkbLayout" "pl" EndSection
Keyboard configuration
cp -a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ vi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi
If the above does not work:
setxkbmap -model evdev -layout pl
From KDE 3 Control Center:
Control Center -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout -> Keyboard model: "Evdev-managed keyboard"
From KDE 4 systemsettings:
System settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout -> Keyboard model: "Evdev-managed keyboard"
Note that kde3/4 method above is just a GUI-way for configuring kde setxkbmap call.
synaptics and mouse tapping
Xorg v7.4 does not enable tapping by default. To enable add to 11-x11-synaptics.fdi:
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton1" type="string">1</merge> <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton2" type="string">2</merge> <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton3" type="string">3</merge>
NOTE: you need to copy it first, if you haven't done it so:
cp -a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/11-x11-synaptics.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy
More from archlinux wiki.