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Initial ramdisk used mostly only to mount root filesystem.


Check available kernels (Example: section):

/boot]# geninitrd 

Regenarete (adding -v to see details) as suggested in above examples:

/sbin/geninitrd -f --initrdfs=initramfs /boot/initrd-KERVER.gz KERVER


Getting shell just after initrd boot ends/fails: Edit /etc/sysconfig/system , set:




to kernel boot options (by editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg or adding to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/sysconfig/grub and running update-grub)

Reboot. HINT: CTRL+PgUp/PgDown scrolls initrd logs.

Checking generated initrd image

Uncompressing initrd, copy first, ungzip, uncpio:

cp /boot/initrd.*.gz  /root/geninitrd
gunzip  initrd-4.1.15-1.gz
cpio -idmv < initrd-4.1.15-1
docs/geninitrd.1471870367.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-08-22 14:52 by matkor

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