This is an old revision of the document!
Upgrading mozilla-firefox
requires rebuild of packages that have strict dep on version with mozilla-firefox
Currently the list of packages depending on mozilla-firefox
$ ac-requires mozilla-firefox|grep -v .- devhelp-0.10-6 dsniff-webspy-2.4-0.b1.5 epiphany-2.14.3-2 epiphany-extensions- galeon-2.0.1-5 liferea-mozilla-1.0.22-1 mozilla-firefox-lang-ca- mozilla-firefox-lang-es- mozilla-firefox-lang-pl- totem-1.4.4-1 yelp-2.14.3-4
developingpld/firefoxbuildernotes.1158344046.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2006-09-15 20:14 by glen