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developingpld [2014-05-13 18:33] – Links to thinfo changed to th glendevelopingpld [2014-05-13 18:34] (current) – Links to acinfo changed to ac glen
Line 25: Line 25:
   * PLD Ra/1.0 (released some time ago)    * PLD Ra/1.0 (released some time ago) 
-  * [[:AcInfo|PLD Ac/2.0]] (stable) +  * [[ac|PLD Ac/2.0]] (stable) 
   * [[th|PLD Th/3.0]] (in development)    * [[th|PLD Th/3.0]] (in development) 
 Each line has a person in charge of it, called the Release Manager. RMs spend time maintaining parts of PLD's infrastructure, making decisions if other developers can't agree on something by themselves and taking care of the content of our FTP server.  Each line has a person in charge of it, called the Release Manager. RMs spend time maintaining parts of PLD's infrastructure, making decisions if other developers can't agree on something by themselves and taking care of the content of our FTP server. 
developingpld.txt · Last modified: 2014-05-13 18:34 by glen

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