#pragma section-numbers off #acl All:admin,read,write,delete,revert #language en
This page tries to use each supported markup element at least once.
'''Index''' [[TableOfContents(2)]]
Normal text, ''emphasized'', '''strong''', __underline__, ,,subscript,,, ^superscript^, `typewriter` and {{{typewriter}}}.
Normal text, emphasized, strong, underline, subscript, superscript, typewriter
and typewriter
# python code print code.colorize("abc", 1 + 1)
Markup | Display | Filename | Markup | Display | Filename | Markup | Display | Filename | ||||
(!) | idea.png | (./) | ✓ | checkmark.png | /!\ | alert.png | ||||||
:( | sad.png | :) | smile.png | :)) | smile3.png | |||||||
| sad.png |
| smile.png |
| smile3.png | |||||||
| tongue.png | :D | biggrin.png | :\ | ohwell.png | |||||||
:o | redface.png | ;) | smile4.png |
| smile4.png | |||||||
<!> | attention.png | <:( | frown.png | >:> | _ | devil.png |
B) | smile2.png | B-) | smile2.png | X-( | angry.png | |||||||
{*} | <ubu> | star_on.png | {1} | <1> | prio1.png | {2} | <2> | prio2.png | ||||
{3} | <3> | prio3.png | {OK} | thumbs-up.png | {X} | icon-error.png | ||||||
{i} | icon-info.png | {o} | <circ> | star_off.png | |) | tired.png | ||||||
|-) | tired.png | | | | | | | |
* MoinMoin * MoinMoin/TextFormatting * MoinMoin/InstallDocs * ../InstallDocs * /SubPage * Self:InterWiki
[#anchorname Anchor Link]
* http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ * [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/] * [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ MoinMoin Wiki] * [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/wiki/classic/img/moinmoin.png] * http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/wiki/classic/img/moinmoin.png * [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/wiki/classic/img/moinmoin.png moinmoin.png] * MeatBall:InterWiki * wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki] * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki InterWiki page on MeatBall] * [file://servername/full/path/to/file/filename%20with%20spaces.txt Click here to read filename with spaces.txt] * me@privacy.net
Wiki''''''Name Wiki``Name
WikiName WikiName
This is indented Even more
* item 1 * item 2, with gap * item 3 * item 3.1
1. item 1 i. item 1 i. item 2
1. item 2 a. item 1 a. item 2
Term:: Description Label:: Definition
<gloss><label>Term</label><item>Description </item><label>Label</label><item>Definition </item></gloss>
line 1 indented 4 characters
||||||<tablewidth="80%">'''Heading'''|| ||cell 1||cell2||cell 3|| ||<rowspan=2> spanning rows||||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'> spanning 2 columns|| ||<rowbgcolor="#FFFFE0">cell2||cell 3||
|<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong>Heading|
cell 1 | cell2 | cell 3 |
<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> spanning rows | <strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> spanning 2 columns | |
<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong>cell2 | cell 3 |
|| narrow ||<:99%> wide ||
| narrow |<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> wide |
||<|2> 2 rows || row 1 || || row 2 || ||<-2> row 3 over 2 columns ||
|<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> 2 rows | row 1 |
row 2 |
<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> row 3 over 2 columns |
||<(> left ||<^|3> top ||<v|3> bottom || ||<:> centered || ||<)> right ||
|<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> left |<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> top |<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> bottom |
<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> centered |
<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> right |
||<#FF8080> red ||<#80FF80> green ||<#8080FF> blue ||
|<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> red |<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> green |<strong class=“highlight”><html></html></strong> blue |
Data separated by semicolons (see raw text):
Col1 | Col3 | Col4 |
1 | 3 | 4 |
a | c | d |
Col1 | Col3 | Col4 |
1 | 3 | 4 |
a | c | d |
Data separated by commas (see raw text):
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
a | b | c | d |
--- (not a rule) ---- ----- ------ ------- -------- --------- ---------- -------------------------------------------- (not thicker than 10)
— (not a rule)
(not thicker than 10)
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