===== Use the program =====
poldek provides two commands: **poldek** with rpm-like command line interface and **ipoldek** with interactive mode command interface. Invoking syntax is:
$ poldek [OPTION...] [PACKAGE...]
For example to install or upgrade Apache HTTP server:
$ poldek -uv apache
$ ipoldek install apache
**poldek** provides comfortable shell-like mode which puts you into a readline interface. To enter it, execute **poldek** or **ipoldek** without any command:
$ poldek
Loading [pndir]titanium...
Loading [pndir]titanium-ready...
10998 packages read
Loading [rpmdbcache]/var/lib/rpm...
1498 packages read
Welcome to the poldek shell mode. Type "help" for help with commands.
Once you are on poldek's command line, type 'help' and the rest should be, more or less, self-explanatory.
poldek:/all-avail> help
poldek 0.30 (snap20080820.23)
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Pawel A. Gajda
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2
ls [OPTION...] [PACKAGE...] List packages
search [OPTION...] PATTERN [PACKAGE...] Search packages
get [OPTION...] PACKAGE... Download packages
desc [OPTION...] PACKAGE... Display packages info
install [OPTION...] PACKAGE... Install packages
uninstall [OPTION...] PACKAGE... Uninstall packages
cd [PATH] Change current package directory
pwd Print name of current directory
help Display this help
alias Print defined command aliases
reload Reload installed packages
quit Exit poldek
Type COMMAND -? for details.
===== Configure repositories =====
Source configuration may be placed in your local **$HOME/.poldekrc** or global **/etc/poldek/source.conf** or /etc/poldek/repos.d/file.conf). Whatever you choose, put there something like:
# PLD Titanium
# Unofficial version of PLD Linux Distribution
# http://www.pld-linux.org/Titanium
_arch = x86_64
_prefix = ftp://ftp.titanium.pld-linux.org/branches/titanium
#_prefix = ftp://ftp2.pld-linux.org/branches/titanium
_type = pndir
type = %{_type}
name = titanium
path = %{_prefix}/PLD/%{_arch}/RPMS/
name = home
path = $HOME/rpm/RPMS