====== HOME-ETC ====== HOME-ETC is an idea to keep configuration files in a subdirectory specified by user, instead of his home directory. The reason was I don't like a rash, and my home directory has started looking like that. The idea has arised on the occasion of developing PLD Linux/GNU distribution, where it is developed till now. Many applications need to be patched, and the **HOME-ETC** library is a helper to not write the same thing more than once. **HOME_ETC** is a pathname container. It may be obtained in two ways: using the environment variable of the same name, or using a file inside user's home directory. The filename is //.home_etc//. The second method must be provided because of applications, which cannot touch user's environment (MTAs, identd, and other daemons). However, in PLD we're setting things up by invoking ///etc/profile.d/home-etc.?sh// scripts, which are setting the correct environment variable according to information found in the file (see sources for details). You can find more detailed description in the related manual pages. ===== Sources ===== [[ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/people/siefca/distfiles/|ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/people/siefca/distfiles/]] ===== Authors ===== Pawel Wilk There was also a lot of other people, who have contributed to this code and/or helped with patching applications. See the AUTHORS and the CONTRIBUTORS files. [[:CategoryUpdateNeeded|CategoryUpdateNeeded]]