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About PLD Titanium

Titanium is an unofficial version of PLD created and managed by Hawk. It is completly separate version of PLD with architectures limited to 586, 686 and x86_64. Main goal for Titanium is to provide stable and working system.

Stable version

Stable version is dedicated for all systems where stability is more important than having newest available versions of software packages. It is based on snapshots created from development version. Such snapshot will get only minor updates and bug/security fixes to provide reasonable level of stability and predictability. However once new snapshot is released it may incorporate some big updates which may require adminitrator intervention to get things going. Appropriate information will always be published on pld-titanium mailing list at least one week before new version is released.

Current stable version: 2010.01

Available kernel versions:

  • kernel 2.6.32.x with Linux Vserver 2.3.x, full grsecurity, apparmor and some other patches (default)
  • kernel 2.6.32.x with just full grsecurity
  • kernel 2.6.32.x with just Linux Vserver 2.3.x and minimal grsecurity
  • vanilla kernel 2.6.32.x
  • dedicated desktop/laptop kernel 2.6.32.x

Other software:

  • glibc 2.11
  • gcc 4.4.x
  • KDE 4.4.x
  • Gnome 2.30.x
  • XFCE 4.4.3
  • 3.2.x

Available package trees:

TreeDirectory on FTPDescription
stablePLDCurrent stable version of system.
pre-stabletestPackages scheduled to be moved to stable tree. They should work ok, but remember they aren't stable yet. Use with care as they may still contain bugs or even brake your system.
archivearchivePrevious stable versions of packages from PLD tree. If new version somehow doesn't work you'll be able to downgrade quickly.

Devel version

Development version as name suggests is used for developing next version of stable snapshot. Since it by definition may contain unfinished or untested packages it is not recommended to use it on any production systems.

To switch from stable to development version:

  • disable stable sources in your poldek configuration
  • enable devel sources in your poldek configuration
  • perform poldek –upgrade-dist

Current development version will become stable snapshot 2010.02. Planned release date: end of 2010.

Planned version changes:

  • kernels 2.6.34.x or 2.6.36.x
  • OpenSSL 1.0
  • PHP 5.3.x

Available package trees:

TreeDirectory on FTPDescription
develPLDCurrent development version of system.
pre-develtestTest packages which may or may not be moved to devel tree.


Installation is possible using CRI or manually using CRI chroots.

Distribution future

Packages needed and used by developers will be maintained however some rarely used stuff requested by users will not get any attention. We (PLD Titanium developers) simply don't have enough time and resources to maintain thousands of packages. Keep that in mind when choosing Titanium.

We will do our best to:

  • maintain core packages (security fixes, updates)
  • don't allow broken dependencies to emerge in stable version
  • build new packages if necessary or if requested by other users
  • fix bugs (be sure to report them on PLD Bugzilla using link below, bugs reported by mail or jabber may be ignored)

PLD Titanium FAQ

Q: Why you have created PLD Titanium?
A: There were few reasons. First, I wasn't able to do some changes to PLD Ac without complete distribution rebuild and killing some architectures. Second: PLD Th is not stable enough for me. By stability I mean possibility of doing poldek –upgrade-dist on all of my systems with minimal risk that it will break something up. Third: I sometimes need some specific changes that I can't or rather I shouldn't put in official PLD. Creating my own fork was the only sollution for these problems.

Q: If you are the only one developing PLD Titanium, wouldn't it be out of date because you simply will not have enough time and resources to maintain it?
A: PLD Titanium uses official PLD CVS so all changes/updates made in official PLD are automatically available for Titanium and few PLD developers are taking care of building packages for Titanium.

Q: So if you are using same stuff as PLD then what is the difference between Th and Titanium?
A: The difference is mainly in management. I have my own idea how distro should be managed. Titanium also has separate stable and develeopment version.

Q: Is it safe to use PLD Titanium?
A: Yes. As long as you don't use test package tree od development version you shouldn't have any special problems. You may encounter some problems when new stable snapshot is released because it may incorporate some big changes. However when updating any other Linux distribution between major versions you may encounter same or even worse problems too.

Q: Is there a risk that you will abandon PLD Titanium some day?
A: Generally, yes. I can't tell what changes future will cause in my life. However as long as I'm using Linux I will support PLD Titanium in my spare time. But even if I'll abandon PLD Titanium at some point any PLD developer may take it over and continue my work.

If you have any other PLD Titanium related questions, please contact me directly. Check my personal page for details.

Notes from Hawk for PLD developers

If you are PLD developer and you want STBR permission for stable or devel version, let me know. Also please read few rules below before doing actual developement in PLD CVS or sending build requests.

General info

  1. Only stable versions of packages are allowed in PLD Titanium. Exceptions are:
    • security fixes or other important bugfixes
    • package fixes building of other packages
    • package is required to upgrade other (stable) packages
    • stable version is very old
    • package is expected to be released as stable soon
    • there is no stable version yet
  I as release manager decide what goes into distribution and what doesn't. That includes patches and default values of bconds. Discussions are welcome at pld-titanium mailing list. 
  If you are upgrading something you are the one who must care for all dependant packages to be upgraded/rebuilt. If you know you won't finish it, don't start upgrade at all or find someone who fill finish it for you. 
  If you are about to update some package which after upgrade will not work without manual intervention, ask on pld-titanium mailing list first. 
  Don't sent upgrade builds if some architecture fails. If you already sent one and don't know how to fix broken arch, let me know ASAP. 
  Use test builds for testing if something compiles/works. Test builds are available (with poldek indexes) in .test-builds folder on FTP however they're kept only for two weeks. 
  If something must be branched specifically for Titanium use "Titanium" as branch name. 
  Things currently not allowed in PLD Titanium: 
  * enabling vda patch in postfix (breaks default postfix behaviour with virtuals) 
  * upgrading db from 4.5 to newer ones (db >=4.6 was causing severe problems with rpm) 
  * upgrading syslog-ng to version > 2.0.x 

Maintaining stable version

  1. Minor updates/fixes may be STBRed without prior notice.
  2. Major version changes are allowed if you'll guarantee they'll work and won't brake anything in current installations. If in doubt, ask on pld-titanium mailing list.

Maintaining devel version

  1. Don't STBR stuff newer than versions proposed for next snapshot.
  2. If you don't agree with pt. 1 and really want something included in next snapshot feel free to “convert” other developers on pld-titanium mailing list.

Building kernel stuff

Following specs:branches are used to build kernels for PLD Titanium Stable:

  • kernel.spec:LINUX_2_6_32
  • kernel-vanilla.spec:Titanium
  • kernel-bare-vserver.spec:Titanium
  • kernel-bare-grsecurity.spec:Titanium
  • kernel-desktop.spec:Titanium
  • kernel-desktop.spec:Titanium –with laptop

When auto-ti tags are created please send following kernels using their auto tags to i686 builder:

  • kernel.spec –with pae
  • kernel-vanilla.spec –with pae
  • kernel-bare-vserver.spec –with pae
  • kernel-bare-grsecurity.spec –with pae
  • kernel-desktop.spec –with pae
  • kernel-desktop.spec –with laptop –with pae

When all kernels are ready all kernel modules must be recompiled. Following specs must be rebuilt:

  • VirtualBox.spec
  • dahdi-linux.spec
  • e1000.spec
  • e1000e.spec
  • igb.spec
  • ixgb.spec
  • ixgbe.spec
  • lirc.spec
  • madwifi-ng.spec
  • svgalib.spec
  • xorg-driver-video-nvidia.spec:STABLE
  • xorg-driver-video-nvidia-legacy2.spec
  • xorg-driver-video-nvidia-legacy3.spec:STABLE

First sent them normally so they'll build for regular kernel and with userspace. Then send them for each PLD Titanium kernel using auto tags. For example:

./builder -d ti -r --kernel bare-vserver e1000.spec:auto-ti-e1000-8_0_19-11

Keep in mind that each of mentioned packages must be succesfully built for each and every kernel, including pae ones. Thats lot of rebuilding. Also be sure that %{version}-%{release} of kernel packages matches %{version}-%{release} of userspace part.

titanium.1282300432.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-08-20 12:33 by hawk

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