−Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
Polish version
Polish version of this FAQ (which should be kept in sync most of the time) is available here.
General questions
What does the acronym "PLD" stand for?
PLD is a recursive acronym (which are quite popular in the Open Source world) for PLD Linux Distribution. Do note, that it used to be Polish(ed) Linux Distribution, but that has changed many years ago and is no longer valid.
What is difference with LiveCD and RescueCD?
13:33:17 <@glen> what's livecd and rescuecd difference? 13:33:35 <@evilbohater> live is for life and rescue is for fun 13:33:36 <@evilbohater> ;) 13:34:19 < evilabram> rescue is for install ;-)
Practical issues
How to install PLD Th ?
- Use ChRoot Installer for PLD/Linux Th installation.
- Graphical installation using Anaconda from LiveCD
How to check what options were used to compile package X?
Go to http://buildlogs.pld-linux.org/, click “Advanced Search” and enter the desired package name into appropriate field. Then specify architecture and/or distribution version you are interested in (by only checking “/ac/i686” for example) and, after clicking “Search”, find the appropriate table row (in this case it would be the one stating “/ac/i686/OK”) and click “text”. In the complete buildlog that should appear, you must search for the first line starting with “./configure” in which you can find all options passed to the package during compilation.
How to check from which .spec file was package X built?
rpm -qi package
command will show various information about the package, including the source RPM name. You can check the
source RPM name also with rpm -q --queryformat '%{sourcerpm}\n' package
. The base name of the source RPM (with version and the '.src.rpm' suffix stipped) is also the name for the GIT repository and the spec file.
How to check which package contains a particular file?
If the package is installed, you can invoke rpm
as shown below:
rpm -qf /path/to/file
Keep in mind however, that if you do not specify the path, rpm
will also check the list of installed packages for one matching the provided file name. That's why you should always use either absolute paths or paths relative to current directory (like ./filename).
If the package is not yet installed, you will have to use poldek
. Start poldek
and type the following at the command prompt:
poldek> search -f *filename
Why can't I use su, sudo and ssh to access my root account?
Our security policy requires the user to be a member of the wheel group in order to be able to use root priviledges gained by invoking su
and sudo
. This way compromising your machine requires the attacker to guess three parameters instead of just one (your user name, your password and root password as opposed to only the root password).
Additionally, noone is able to remotely log in as root (for the same security reasons). Root is also unable to remotely use other services (ftp, imap, pop3, smtp) as they do not provide strong connection encryption.
How can I check the package description in an other language than my locales are ?
LANG="de_DE" rpm -q --qf %{description} package1 package2 # if package1 package2 are installed LANG="de_DE" rpm -q --qf %{description} -p package1.rpm package2.rpm # if package1 package2 are on your hard drive and not installed
The language can be any other of course (if the package supports it ex. pl_PL).